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Ge Control System Toolbox Software Download


(Supersedes GEH-6408)


Command System Toolbox

For Configuring the Trend Recorder

Publication: GEH-6408A

Issued: 1999-06-12

Control Arrangement Toolbox

For Configuring the Trend Recorder

© 1999 General Electric Company, USA. All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. If farther information is desired or if particular issues arise that are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser'south purpose, the thing should exist referred to GE Industrial Systems, Salem, Virginia, USA.

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GEH-6408A Trend Recorder


The example and setup screens in this manual do non reverberate the actual application configurations. Be sure to follow the correct setup procedures for your awarding.

To prevent personal injury or equipment damage caused past equipment malfunction, merely adequately trained personnel should change any programmable motorcar.


GEH-6408A Trend Recorder


Chapter one Overview


Introduction ................................................................................................................................


Data Collection...........................................................................................................................


Existent-fourth dimension......................................................................................................................


Block Collection ..........................................................................................................


.dca Files ......................................................................................................................


Chapter 2 Trend Recorder Window


Introduction ................................................................................................................................


Creating a Trend Recorder .........................................................................................................


Tendency Recorder Window..............................................................................................


Modes of Operation .....................................................................................................




Edit Carte ....................................................................................................................


View Menu ..................................................................................................................


Tendency Recorder Settings ..............................................................................................


Chapter 3 Types of Trends


Introduction ................................................................................................................................


Existent-fourth dimension Trends........................................................................................................................


Configuring the Trend ...............................................................................................


Calculation Signals Using Menu ......................................................................................


Adding Signals Using Elevate-and-Drop.......................................................................


Editing Properties ......................................................................................................


Editing Signals...........................................................................................................


Block Collected Trends............................................................................................................


Configuring the Tendency ...............................................................................................


Uploading Data ..........................................................................................................


Data Historian Trends ..............................................................................................................


Configuring the Trend ...............................................................................................


Calculation Signals...........................................................................................................


.dca File Trends........................................................................................................................


Configuring the Trend ...............................................................................................


Chapter 4 Using the Trend Recorder


Introduction ..............................................................................................................................


Recording Trends.......................................................................................................


Saving Trends ............................................................................................................


Exporting Trends to .csv Files ...................................................................................


Printing Trends ..........................................................................................................


GEH-6408A Tendency Recorder

Contents i

Chapter 5 Viewing Trends


Introduction ..............................................................................................................................


Moving Between Events ............................................................................................


Irresolute The Time Axis...........................................................................................


Using the Replay Cursors ..........................................................................................


Zoom In/ Zoom Out ...................................................................................................


Stacked Bespeak Traces ................................................................................................


Auto-Ranging the Displayed Data .............................................................................


X-Y Plots ...................................................................................................................


Power Spectrum .......................................................................................................................


FFT Options...............................................................................................................


Glossary of Terms


ii Contents

GEH-6408A Trend Recorder

Chapter 1 Overview


This document tin can apply to various controllers or drives, therefore the contents of the dialog boxes can vary according to your product.

This chapter describes the Trend Recorder, which monitors and graphs betoken values from controllers or drives and graphs data collection assay (.dca) files. Data can also exist saved and exported for other applications, such as spreadsheets.

Data Drove

The Trend Recorder uses three methods to collect data: real-time, block-collected, and reading .dca files.

It is not necessary to have the device file loaded while replaying previously nerveless data.


Existent-fourth dimension data is collected past the toolbox. Real-time mode is for low to medium data drove rates. Signals tin can exist trended from controllers and drives. When you are real-time trending information from a controller, both internal signals in the device and whatsoever external bespeak on a bulldoze local area network (DLAN+) that the device is attached to can be trended. All the signals are sampled at the same time by a task running in the device. The sample prepare is then transmitted over the network to the toolbox. Yous can set the sampling rate when yous are configuring the trend. The minimum interval between samples is 32 ms.

Real-time trending of internal data from a controller requires that the controller file exist loaded in the toolbox while the trend is being set up. DLAN+ signals tin can be added to the tendency without having the device file open in the toolbox; even so, the toolbox must accept access to the System Database (SDB). One time the trend is prepare up, data can be nerveless and displayed from a controller without the controller being loaded in toolbox.

But internal signals tin can be trended from an AcDcEx. Signals are sampled one at a time, sequentially. The sample interval betwixt signals is an average 22 ms. The interval betwixt samples of the same signal is the number of signals multiplied past the interval between samples. When existent-time trending signals from a drive, you must take the device file open up in the toolbox while the trend is set up and likewise when data is nerveless.

GEH-6408A Tendency Recorder

Chapter 1 Overview 1

Signal Sampling for

Real-time Drive Trending


|22 ms|

Refer to the section, Block Nerveless Trends.

It is non necessary to have the configuration file loaded while replaying previously uploaded data.

| three * 22 ms |

Time Centrality

When trending from an Innovation Series™ bulldoze, signal values are collected in a group of four at a time, at an average charge per unit of twenty ms per group. The sampling strategy is similar to the AcDcEx drive; however, instead of getting only 1 signal value at a time, the Tendency Recorder reads up to iv signals simultaneously. This profoundly improves the constructive sampling rate over that of the AcDcEx drive.

Data is collected from the AcDcEx drive one betoken value at a time. The boilerplate sample interval betwixt signals is well-nigh 50 ms.

Block Collection

Block collection is available in controllers and in the Innovation Series bulldoze using the Capture Buffer cake and in other drives using the Round Listing cake. The data is uploaded to the toolbox when the drove is completed. Block-collected mode is for high speed trending. The merely limit on collection rate is the execution rate of the collector cake.

Block-collected trending requires that the configuration file, which contains the collector block, be loaded in the toolbox while the tendency is set upwardly and also when data is uploaded from the block.

.dca Files

The .dca file is a common data storage format used by many applications. It is primarily used to store data collected past the Data Historian production.

The Trend Recorder tin can read these files in two ways:

Individually, where y'all specify the proper noun(s) of the .dca files to load into the Trend Recorder.

As part of a Data Historian Collected Tendency, where yous specify signals from a item Data Historian device and/or Data Historian drove. The Tendency Recorder determines the name(s) and location(s) of the necessary .dca files.

2 Chapter ane Overview

GEH-6408A Tendency Recorder

Chapter 2 Trend Recorder Window


This chapter provides instructions for using the toolbox to create a Trend Recorder.

It also describes toolbar and carte commands, as well equally selection settings.

For assistance, contact:

Industrial Systems, General Electric Visitor, Production Service Engineering 1501 Roanoke Blvd. Salem, VA 24513-6492 Usa

Phone + 1 540 387 7595, Fax + 1 540 387 8606 (supervene upon + with the international access code)

Creating a Tendency Recorder

To create a Trend Recorder

Or click


ω From the File menu, cull New. The New dialog box displays.

Click the Utilities tab. Then click Trend Recorder to highlight it, and click OK.

GEH-6408A Trend Recorder

Chapter 2 Tendency Recorder Window iii

GE Industrial Solutions Control System Toolbox For Configuring the Trend Recorder User Manual

To set options for recording trends, refer to the section, Trend Recorder Settings.

Trend Recorder Window

When the Trend Recorder Window is invoked, information technology displays equally a split window in the toolbox. The window is divided into two views, which can be altered with the adjustable dissever bar (see screen below). The Height Graph View of the Tendency Recorder Window displays the actual graph(s) and the lower Bespeak View displays the signals that are monitored in the graph and their current values.

Tip Signals are selected in the lower Signal View when they are configured, edited, and removed. Conform the size of the Indicate view by dragging the divide bar, shown in the screen beneath.










Signal Trace

Top Graph



Split Bar


Signal View

Cursor Position Values

Status Bar

Tip To view both the toolbox and the Trend Recorder window, choose Tile Horizontal or Tile Vertical from the Window menu. Then, to invoke and piece of work in the Tendency Recorder window, click anywhere in the Trend Recorder window or click anywhere in the toolbox window.

4 Affiliate 2 Trend Recorder Window

GEH-6408A Trend Recorder

Status bar displays Wait or Record.

Status bar displays Replay.

Status bar displays Upload.

Modes of Operation

The Trend Recorder has several modes of operation. The modes are indicated in the Status bar at the bottom of the Trend Recorder Window. These modes are:

Record style: captures data and displays it as a graph, which can then exist saved to disk. You can prepare Record to capture data continuously or only around a trigger event.

Replay way: allows y'all to review data collected in Record fashion or uploaded from a device-based cake-collected trend. You can scan dorsum and along between multiple recorded events to examine data in detail.

Upload manner: captures data collected by a Capture Buffer block in a controller or in an Innovation Series drive or by a Circular Listing cake in other drives. You tin can fix Upload to run every bit a one-time event or get out the Trend Recorder in this way. When left in the Upload mode, the toolbox monitors the blocks and automatically uploads data when a collection takes place.


The Trend Recorder toolbar contains the following menu commands:

Click. . . To

Record displays and graphs of the current values of the selected signals. Data is too captured and can be replayed or saved to disk.

Upload data collected past the information collector cake in a controller or a drive device. If automatic upload is selected, the Trend Recorder remains in upload manner until selected once again.

Edit the data collector block.

Configure the Tendency Recorder.

Movement through events and brandish previously recorded data.

Move the electric current issue dorsum by one-third of the currently displayed width of the time axis.

Motility the current effect ahead by 1-third of the currently displayed width of the time centrality.

Move through events and display the next recorded information.

Add signal(s) to be trended.

Remove chosen signal(southward) from the trend.

Configure the fourth dimension (horizontal) axis parameters.

Automatically range the vertical axis based on the data currently displayed in the graph.

Zoom in and display the selected expanse of the graph between the replay cursors.

Zoom out and display the expanse of the graph to a maximum of three times the current screen.

Set the trend into X-Y plotting fashion.

GEH-6408A Trend Recorder

Chapter 2 Trend Recorder Window v

Edit Menu

The Edit card allows you to change the configuration of the Trend Recorder as follows:

Delete All Data removes all data collected past the Trend Recorder.

Delete This Event removes the recorded effect that is currently displayed.

Add Signal adds a betoken to the Trend Recorder.

Remove Signal removes the signal selected in the lower Signal View.

Get Signals retrieves configuration information from the SDB for DLAN+ signals in real-fourth dimension trends.

Hibernate Selected Signals conceals signals that are selected in the lower Signal View.

Bear witness Signals selects which signals are displayed and hidden.

Change Point Device changes the drive that a drive indicate is trended from.

Time Axis changes the range of the time axis.

Edit Selected Betoken changes the range, color, line width, and style for a signal.

Evidence on Left/Right Axis of the trace displays the range of the selected signal.

Motorcar Range Vert. Axis causes the graph to prepare the range of all signals based on the values of the signals that are currently displayed on the graph.

Configure invokes the Trend Recorder Configuration dialog box to prepare upwardly the tendency.

6 Affiliate 2 Trend Recorder Window

GEH-6408A Trend Recorder

Motion Betoken Upwards/Downwards also changes the position of the signal in stacked view.

Set up Signal Equally Trigger specifies the selected indicate every bit the trigger for real-time triggered mode trends.

Move Signal Up moves the signal up ane position in the Indicate View.

Movement Indicate Downwardly moves the point down i position in the Bespeak View.

Set As X Axis marks the chosen signals to be the X-axis for X-Y plots.

Edit Block invokes a discrete block diagram view in a block-collected trend.

View Menu

The View menu allows you to view areas of the Trend Recorder as follows:

Toolbar controls whether the Tendency Recorder toolbar displays.

Status Bar controls whether the Trend Recorder status bar displays.

Stacked Traces controls whether the Trend Recorder displays each signal trace in its own window (stacked way) or in 1 betoken graph view.

X-Y Plot Way controls whether the X-axis of the Trend Recorder is based on the value of one of the signals that has been nerveless (X-Y plot fashion) or based on time (normal style).

Ability Spectrum shows a spectral assay of the trended data using a Fast Fourier Transform.

Upload Data causes the data collected by the collector block of a cake-collected trend to be uploaded to the Trend Recorder.

Record starts and stops the Trend Recorder collecting data for a real-fourth dimension tendency.

Reload DCA File Information causes data to be re-read from a .dca file.

Previous Trend displays previously recorded data.

Rewind moves the current event back through the currently displayed trend by onethird of the currently displayed width of the time axis.

GEH-6408A Trend Recorder

Chapter ii Trend Recorder Window seven

Ge Control System Toolbox Software Download



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